
つれづれなるままにアマチュア無線  DXQSOの備忘録

QRZ.Com Award NA

QRZ.Com から ”Master of Radio Communication - North America” Awardの
申請するをチェックしたら 上記のAward 欄に North America が追加された

確認してみると #4544 でリストにアップ ↑ されていた

Master Of Radio Communications: North America

The Master of Radio Communications: North America Award is available to any QRZ member whose Logbook on QRZ.com contains at least 49 credits. Credits are defined as confirmed contacts with the DXCC entities in North America. (A credit is given for each entity on each band).
DXCC entities shall be governed by the ARRL DXCC list at: http://www.arrl.org/files/file/DXCC/2013_Current_Deleted.txt

